Peer-reviewed journal publications
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- Elibol, K.; Downing, C.; Hobbs, R. G. "Nanoscale mapping of shifts in dark plasmon modes in sub 10 nm aluminum nanoantennas" Nanotechnology, 2022, 33, 475203.
- Elibol, K.; Mangler, C.; O'Regan, D. D.; Mustonen, K.; Eder, D.; Meyer, J. C.; Kotakoski, J.; Hobbs, R. G.; Susi, T.; Bayer, B. C. "Single indium atoms and few-atom indium clusters anchored onto graphene via silicon heteroatoms" ACS Nano, 2021, 15, 14373.
- Abedzadeh, N.; Krielaart, M. A. R.; Kim, C-S.; Simonaitis, J.; Hobbs, R. G.; Kruit, P.; Berggren, K. K. "Electrostatic electron mirror in SEM for simultaneous imaging of top and bottom surfaces of a sample" Ultramicroscopy, 2021, 226, 113304.
- Yang, Y.; Kim, C-S.; Hobbs, R. G.; Keathley, P. D.; Berggren, K. K. "Nanostructured-membrane electron phase plates" Ultramicroscopy, 2020, 217, 113053. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2020.113053
- Yang, Y.; Hobbs, R. G.; Keathley, P. D.; Berggren, K. K. "Electron energy loss of ultraviolet plasmonic modes in aluminum nanodisks" Optics Express, 2020, 19, 27405. doi:10.1364/OE.401835
- Chumpol, K.; McEvoy, N.; Zhang, X.; Hobbs, R. G. "Multiphoton absorption and graphitization in poly(methyl methacrylate)-coated aluminium nanoantenna arrays" Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124, 8930. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c00297
- Keathley, P.D.; Putnam, W.P.; Vasireddy, P.; Hobbs, R. G.; Yang, Y.; Berggren, K. K.; Kärtner, F.X. "Vanishing carrier-envelope-phase-sensitive response in optical-field photoemission from plasmonic nanoantennas" Nature Physics, 2019, 15, 1128. doi:10.1038/s41567-019-0613-6
- Kim, C-S.; Hobbs, R. G.; Agarwal, A.; Yang, Y.; Manfrinato, V.R.; Short, M.P.; Li, J.; Berggren, K. K. "Focused-helium-ion-beam blow forming of nanostructures: radiation damage and nanofabrication" Nanotechnology, 2019, 31, 045302. doi:10.1088/1361-6528/ab4a65
- Turchetti, M.; Kim, C-S.; Hobbs, R. G.; Yang, Y.; Kruit, P.; Berggren, K. K. "Design and simulation of a linear electron cavity for quantum electron microscopy" Ultramicroscopy, 2019, 199, 50. doi;10.1016/j.ultramic.2019.01.010
- Yang, Y.; Kim, C-S.; Hobbs, R. G.; Kruit, P.; Berggren, K. K. "Efficient two-port electron beam splitter via a quantum interaction-free measurement" Physical Review A, 2018, 98, 043621. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.98.043621
- Zhong, C.; Flanigan, P.; Abadía, N.; Bello, F.; Jennings, B. D.; Atcheson, G.; Li, J.; Zheng, J-Y.; Wang, J. J.; Hobbs, R. G.; McCloskey, D.; Donegan, J. F. "Effective heat dissipation in an adiabatic near-field transducer for HAMR" Optics Express, 2018, 26, 18842. doi:10.1364/OE.26.018842
- Flatabø, R.; Agarwal, A.; Hobbs, R. G.; Greve, M. M.; Holst, B.; Berggren, K. K. " Exploring proximity effects and large depth of field in helium ion beam lithography: large-area dense patterns and tilted surface exposure" Nanotechnology, 2018, 29, 275301. doi:10.1088/1361-6528/aabe22
- Hobbs, R. G.; Putnam, W. P.; Fallahi, A.; Yang, Y.; Kärtner, F. X.; Berggren, K. K. "Mapping photoemission and hot-electron emission from plasmonic nanoantennas" Nano Letters, 2017, 17, 6069. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b02495
- Agarwal, A.; Kim, C-S.; Hobbs, R. G.; van Dyck, D.; Berggren, K. K. " A nanofabricated, monolithic, path-separated electron interferometer" Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 1677. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-01466-0
- Putnam, W. P.; Hobbs, R. G.; Keathley, P. D.; Berggren, K. K.; Kärtner, F. X. “Optical-field-controlled photoemission from plasmonic nanoparticles” Nature Physics, 2017, 13, 335. doi:10.1038/nphys3978
- Connaughton, S.; Koleśnik-Gray, M.; Hobbs R. G.; Lotty, O.; Holmes, J. D.; Krstić, V. “Diameter-driven crossover in resistive behaviour of heavily doped self-seeded germanium nanowires” Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2016, 7, 1284. doi:10.3762/bjnano.7.119
- Hobbs R. G.; Manfrinato, V. R.; Yang, Y.; Goodman, S. A.; Zhang, L.; Stach, E. A.; Berggren, K. K. “High-energy surface and volume plasmons in nanopatterned sub-10-nm Al nanodisks” Nano Letters, 2016, 16, 4149. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b01012
- Kruit, P.; Hobbs R. G.; Kim, C-S.; Yang, Y.; Manfrinato, V. R.; Hammer, J.; Thomas, S.; Weber, P.; Klopfer, B.; Kohstall, C.; Juffmann, T.; Kasevich, M.; Hommelhoff, P.; Berggren, K. K. “Designs for a quantum electron microscope” Ultramicroscopy, 2016, 164, 31. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.03.004
- Kärtner, F. X.; Ahr, F.; Calendron, A-L.; Çankaya, H.; Carbajo, S.; Chang, G.; Cirmi, G.; Dörner, K.; Dorda, U.; Fallahi, A.; Hartin, A.; Hemmer, M.; Hobbs, R. G.; Hua, Y.; Huang, W. R.; Letrun, R.; Matlis, N.; Mazalova, V.; Mücke, O. D.; Nanni, E.; Putnam, W.; Ravi, K.; Reichert, F.; Sarrou, I.; Wu, X.; Yahaghi, A.; Ye, H.; Zapata, L.; Zhang, D.; Zhou, C.; Miller, R. J. D.; Berggren, K. K.; Graafsma, H.; Meents, A.; Assmann, R. W.; Chapman, H. N.; Fromme, P. “AXSIS: Exploring the frontiers in attosecond X-ray science, imaging and spectroscopy” Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A, 2016, 829, 24. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2016.02.080
- Connaughton, S.; Hobbs R. G.; Lotty, O.; Holmes, J. D.; Krstić, V. “Variation of self-seeded germanium nanowire electronic device functionality due to synthesis condition determined surface states” Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2015, 2, 1400469. doi:10.1002/admi.201400469
- Hobbs R. G.; Yang, Y.; Fallahi, A.; Keathley, P. D.; De Leo, E.; Kärtner, F. X.; Graves, W. S.; Berggren, K. K. “Ultrafast, surface plasmon-enhanced, Au nanorod optical field electron emitter arrays” ACS Nano, 2014, 8, 11474. doi:10.1021/nn504594g
- Hobbs R. G.; Yang, Y.; Keathley, P. D.; Swanwick, M. E.; Velásquez-García, L. F.; Kärtner, F. X.; Graves, W. S.; Berggren, K. K. “High-density Au nanorod optical field-emitter arrays.” Nanotechnology, 2014, 25, 465304. doi:10.1088/0957-4484/25/46/465304
- Manfrinato, V. R.; Wen, J.; Zhang, L.; Yang, Y.; Hobbs R. G.; Baker, B.; Su, D.; Zakharov, D.; Zaluzec, N. J.; Miller, D. J.; Stach, E. A.; Berggren, K. K. “Determining the resolution limits of electron-beam lithography: direct measurement of the point-spread function.” Nano Letters, 2014, 14, 4406. doi:10.1021/nl5013773
- Yu, R.; Georgiev, Y. M.; Das, S.; Hobbs R. G.; Povey, I. M.; Petkov, N.; Shayesteh, M.; O’Connell, D.; Holmes, J. D.; Duffy, R. “Junctionless nanowire transistor fabricated with high mobility Ge channel.” Physica Status Solidi RRL, 2014, 8, 65. doi:10.1002/pssr.201300119
- Rahme, K.; Chen, L.; Hobbs R. G.; Morris, M. A.; O’Driscoll, C.; Holmes, J. D. “PEGylated gold nanoparticles: polymer quantification as a function of PEG lengths and nanoparticle dimensions.” RSC Advances, 2013, 3, 6085. doi:10.1039/C3RA22739A
- Manfrinato, V. R.; Zhang, L.; Su, D.; Duan, H.; Hobbs R.G.; Stach, E. A.; Berggren, K. K. “Resolution limits of electron-beam lithography toward the atomic scale.” Nano Letters, 2013, 13, 1555. doi:10.1021/nl304715p
- Lotty, O.; Hobbs R. G.; O’Regan, C.; Hlina, J.; Marschner, C.; O’Dwyer, C.; Petkov, N.; Holmes, J. D. “Self-seeded growth of germanium nanowires: coalescence and Ostwald ripening.” Chemistry of Materials, 2013, 25, 215. doi:10.1021/cm3032863
- Borah, D.; Rassappa, S.; Shaw, M. T.; Hobbs, R. G.; Petkov, N.; Schmidt, M.; Holmes, J. D. “Directed self-assembly of PS-b-PMMA block copolymer using HSQ lines for translational alignment.” Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2013, 1, 1192. doi:10.1039/C2TC00289B
- Hobbs, R. G.; Farrell R. A.; Bolger, C. T.; Kelly, R. A.; Morris, M. A.; Petkov, N.; Holmes, J. D. “Selective sidewall wetting of polymer blocks in hydrogen silsesquioxane directed self-assembly of PS-b-PDMS”. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2012, 4, 4637. doi:10.1021/am301012p
- Hobbs, R. G.; Petkov N.; Bolger, C. T.; Xiu, F.; Wang K. L.; Yu, R.; Colinge, J-P.; Holmes, J. D. “Resist-substrate interface tailoring for generating high density arrays of Ge and Bi2Se3 nanowires by electron beam lithography”. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2012, 30, 041602. doi:10.1116/1.4724302
- Hobbs, R. G.; Petkov, N.; Holmes, J. D. “Semiconductor nanowire fabrication by bottom-up and top-down paradigms”. Chemistry of Materials, 2012, 24, 1975. (Top 10 most downloaded articles in Chemistry of Materials Q2, 2012) doi:10.1021/cm300570n
- Barth, S.; Kasakova, O; Estrade, S.; Hobbs, R. G.; Peiro, F; Morris, M. A.; Holmes, J. D. “Synthesis and magnetic characterization of co-axial Ge1-xMnx/a-Si heterostructures”, Crystal Growth and Design, 2011, 11, 5253. doi:10.1021/cg200667r
- Hobbs, R. G.; Barth S.; Petkov N.; Zirngast M.; Marschner C.; Morris, M. A.; Holmes, J. D. “Seedless growth of sub-10 nm Ge nanowires”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 13742-13749. doi:10.1021/ja1035368
- Arnold, D.; Hobbs, R. G.; Petkov N.; Morris, M. A.; Holmes, J. D. “Single step synthesis of Ge-SiOx core-shell heterostructured nasowires” Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2009, 19, 954-961. doi:10.1039/B816727C